Having your Ear Wax Removed Soon? Here’s How You Should Prepare for Your Appointment
- Apr 10, 2018 ·
- Ear Wax
Ear wax is the accumulation of dead skin cells, hair, dust and other foreign materials. Cerumen is the wax produced naturally by the glands present in the ear. It acts as a protective layer in the ear canal and small amounts are produced from time to time. The ear wax then solidifies, hardens and fa...
READ THE ARTICLEThe Dangers of Excessive Earwax
- Mar 29, 2021 ·
- Ear Wax
Earwax, also known as cerumen, is an oily substance produced naturally by the ear canal to protect the ear from any foreign particle, microorganisms, and dust. It also saves the ear canal from potential irritation caused due to water. Generally, the excess amount of wax travels to the ear opening na...
READ THE ARTICLEWhat is Ear Wax and How is Earwax Buildup Removed?
- Mar 12, 2018 ·
- Ear Wax
What is Ear wax Ear wax is basically a waxen oil secreted by the ear canal which is also known as cerumen. Even though it may look disgusting it serves the important purpose of protecting the ear from foreign objects, dusts and microorganisms. It also prevents irritation of the ear canal skin when...
READ THE ARTICLEHow to choose an ear wax removal clinic
- Feb 22, 2021 ·
- Ear Wax
Are you someone who is trying to get rid of ear wax? Do you often suffer from a blocked ear? Have you tried multiple things but, nothing seems to work? If you said yes to all of these questions then worry no more because we have just what you are looking for to get rid of that ear wax build up. Fi...
READ THE ARTICLEMicrosuction Ear wax Removal: why Microsuction? Is it safe?
- Feb 22, 2020 ·
- Ear Wax
Ear wax removal can be a troublesome procedure. Among the various options available for the purpose, one that is considered quite popular is Microsuction. The reason a lot of people prefer microsuction to get rid of ear wax is that it is safe and comfortable and also does not cause a lot of pain.&nb...